Koios Data

What Does Your Community Want?

Using Google Search Data for Planning and Outreach

Peter Velikonja, Head of Research, Koios LLC

www.koios.co | peter (at) koios.co

delivered ALA Midwinter Conference January 2019, CIL Conference March 2019


Libraries generally have a good idea of what their patrons are interested in, but Google, to whom patrons routinely address their questions, has the data. Using Google's API, we tried out a few hundred themed key-phrases in 3000 public library service areas. The results confirmed some of our assumptions, and also included surprises. A survey like ours can inform library marketing efforts, and help administrators with resource management and planning.


At our company, we work to raise the online presence of libraries, which we do today with Google advertising. We say, somewhat poetically:
"When a person begins their journey, seeking information, where do they go first? They go to Google. Let's meet them there."
It's a good story, and it rings true.

We try to anticipate what a person might search for:
  1. We think of the resources available at a library.
  2. We set up a collection of likely keywords with Google; then...
  3. Hope to make a match.


Let's say you live in Chattanooga TN and you type 'passport' into Google...
You might see an ad we set up there that tells you your local library runs a passport service. And you say "I had no idea..."

That's a situation where a library has a resource people are interested in, but nobody knows it. Another is where a library wishes to start up a program, but can't fully anticipate community interest.

Our business is about making those connections.

Connections Part II

To make more connections, I want to think about intersections between: I can learn about library resources, they are publicly available. But what do people type into Google? I don't know.

What do people type into anything? Let's look at two feeds.

Toronto Public Library - Catalog Feed

I really like this catalog feed from Toronto Public Library, I find it mildly exciting to see these searches being made in real time. But I confess I get a little bit stuck when I start thinking about what I can do with it. Do these searches represent community interests? I think they do, although I remind myself that people are more likely to pre-focus their searches to fit their understanding of library resources. Libraries are full of surprises these days, I doubt these searches can keep up.

Real-Time Twitter Feed

I am not so crazy about this Twitter feed (taken real-time from Seattle) because, at the root of it, these entries don't have search motivation. Yes, they represent interest, and with my own personal AI (or 'WI') I can see themes and keywords pop out that are relevant to libraries. But having interest is not the same as expressing interest; so this stream has considerably less value for me.
Twitter feed [click]
@kidbeyond @ph1992 @rattyjol @KristaQuilts @dsng @pzlr Leading lady
Yep all the while pushing focus on a wall that won’t make much of a difference unless there is people on it shootin… https://t.co/jocLrSVIF7
Four days before my Birthday! 😃 4️⃣➡️🎂 https://t.co/9hM6Uw6Glk
@carissajanuary Girlllll our lists are the same!!!!! Glad I'm not alone!
@jflorez @suziday123 @Cbp8Cindy @cazij @ccatmpt @magee333 @ja2cook @CaraMiaSG @JackConnie @_drazzari @JeremyPalmer7… https://t.co/KxlCtuJPBb
I kind of a wonder if it was hundreds of thousands of pounds. In the U.S., if you don’t pay child support, there’s… https://t.co/0W8qhqW415
@CalvinCardwell Fr y’all should be looking at rocks right off the bat
@MaxBoot @PostOpinions You remind me of this other journalist who everyone thinks is stupid.
@stickers66 @BCFerrys Might not work. I got charged to carry my bike one once - something was mechanically wrong, yet was still bike shaped
@TheGoodSin Cheap ain’t got nothing to do with it but I heard you big dawg !!
@ZerlinaMaxwell GOD BLESS #POTUS for keeping us Safe. May you always live in the liberals heads and drive them craz… https://t.co/1kzEmYFPqP
@heinousjay @meetmspress @NateSilver538 No, I responded to your claims about the mechanics of the election. Try to… https://t.co/NMMoQeNWfi
Happy, healthy and painting happy little white clouds with Bob Ross can help us stay even keeled in this choppy thi… https://t.co/B56R4uvvEH
This actually seems funny
Drank 7 bottles of water in an hour for my country today
Me yesterday : “Hate my job, need new career”Jokingly puts in Application for entry level marketing firm job Has interview next week
Enter to win a Ski & Stay Getaway for two at @MountWashington with Vancouver Island Brewing. Explore the mountain t… https://t.co/DV9jc4wPOl
@DaZookah @AliceCan64 @ChatByCC @realDonaldTrump After an eviction, lose of their cars & possibly their lives....do… https://t.co/4zHfNYm2Bg
@SeanWebster13 It really felt like they reverted back to the game plan and play that they used unsuccessfully in week two in Chicago.
@hexrecords 😃. That was a good tour!
Is it just me, or am I seeing more broken down buses than normal?This one has a ton of sad looking people on it.
Interesting AI article
@magee333 @itsallglamr @TracyPereira20 @suziday123 @Cbp8Cindy @cazij @ccatmpt @ja2cook @CaraMiaSG @JackConnie… https://t.co/B7yUSk3kwU
Chubby dog wiggle 😍😍😍😍
@shonkerr @McgowanCash @barleyhop Well fuck you were the one that got it wrong don't get all pissy at me.
I agree
@alisiavicky2 I love u too! Thank you.
He’ll never win a championship!!!
@Lin_Manuel I think that’s the lazy boy chair with the remote isn’t it?
@ravensspirit68 @DanielSumrok @HHSGov The law says they have to have a comment period. No law says anyone has to read them
@carissajanuary Haha, yes! I just can't get into them! Now 90s movies are a different story!
If you're looking for work in Victoria, BC, Canada, check out this job: https://t.co/ms0qdmLCwa
Algumas verdades cruéis sobre os relacionamentos modernos que você vai ter que encarar.
Quem que se importa menos tem todo o poder. Ninguém quer ser “a pessoa mais interessada” da relação.
Porque nós sempre queremos mostrar para a outra pessoao quão blasé nós podemos ser, tipo joguinhos psicológicos com… https://t.co/cWw8Hg7tAM
Uma pessoa sendo desapegada porque tem zero interesse em você parece exatamente igual a uma pessoa sendo desapegada… https://t.co/gpqy8O6KJg
Ligações telefônicas são uma arte em decadência. Muito provavelmente, grande parte da comunicação do seu relacionam… https://t.co/Gu3hRxKzfB
Planos com antecedência estão mortos. Se você não é a prioridade, você vai ouvir um “Talvez” ou “A gente se fala” c… https://t.co/4o7nz3ACrv
‘Se cierran escuelas mientras se abren puntos’ even Bad Bunny knows
Aquele alguém que te magoou não vai automaticamente ter um bad Karma. Pelo menos não em um futuro imediato. Às veze… https://t.co/H4euprDVJY
A única diferença entre as suas ações serem consideradas românticas ou assustadoras é o quão atraente a outra pesso… https://t.co/5Wmuhd1Ddu
@MeanwhileinCana You will have to add a zero to the end of that. Not a chance we will running all electric in 5 yea… https://t.co/QPadi8461w
“Topa sair?” e “Vamos fazer alguma coisa?” são frases vagas que provavelmente significam “vamos trepar” – e enquant… https://t.co/Pe8pwczH5n
Algumas pessoas só querem te pegar e se você está procurando mais do que sexo, elas não vão te falar “Alow, acho qu… https://t.co/fcsUrpG9f6
Essa será em inglês. So many people are scared of commitment and being official that they’ll remain in a label-free… https://t.co/PiDXacTPoD
Quando vocês estiverem namorando, ao invés de expressar como se sente diretamente para você, é mais provável que a… https://t.co/0j8ppRHzr2
Tem muitas pessoas quem tem zero respeito pelo seu relacionamento e se elas quiserem a pessoa com quem você está, n… https://t.co/6xlvna2iWU
Se você tomar um fora, provavelmente vai ser bem brutal. As pessoas podem cortar laços pelo WhatsApp e evitar ter q… https://t.co/JLIv6ssNDM
O caminho mais fácil está longe de ser o mais atencioso. Tudo isso é a verdade nua e crua galera. That’s it, that’s all.
@sujeilugo 😍🤣
137 Billion?!?!??!
This was a fun project. Got a little Mariners flavor in here, too.
This day can already suck a fart out of my ass and I’ve only been up 30 minutes.
Hear from Markie Jones, owner of Markie Jones Photography..https://t.co/bCILn6Fvwz...#wedding #weddingvideo… https://t.co/QBgJGL7PE8
Join me @ 12p PDT/ PST on #youtubelive via #googlehangout for a 2D/ 3D #modeling sesh.YT -… https://t.co/tHQyXKimSL
@kcmetrobus Aline 6002 without WiFi. Please fix https://t.co/ZIsShU5Baz
@hellodeerling https://t.co/RqIt7MoWN4
@brennasparksxxx I am going back to the FUNKO pop HQ while I am out here. I am going to pick some up for you. Where do I send them to?
@Blue333Tree Haha, I need to try that! I'm always like "who's he? where did he come from? what's his superpower?" Super annoying 😂😂
@RodneyStokes21 Happy for you and your Browns, bro
@ananavarro I want Kamala Harris for President and Beto O’Rourke for Vice President in 2020! Please share! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
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You absolutely deserve!
Cintas Corporation is hiring in #Auburn, WA! Click the link in our bio to apply: Fire Service Technician - Alarm Systems #cintasjobs
Click the link in our bio to see currently open #internship jobs like "Management Trainee Intern" at Enterprise Holdings in #FederalWay, WA.
At #AAS233 and want to learn how to predict the Lyman-alpha emission of a galaxy based on other simple observables… https://t.co/ntYWsulsHk
@girlsreallyrule Omg this administration is off the rails
Huge block
@heinousjay @meetmspress @NateSilver538 It is clear to everyone here what your point was-to use faulty logic to cla… https://t.co/h9EGAB52IR
@mitchellreports @kwelkernbc GOD BLESS #potus for keeping us safe. Let the Lame Stream Media Look like fools for the next 6 years!
Are any of my connections looking to #volunteer some of their #graphicdesign skills for a national #nonprofit? We a… https://t.co/5Q9m44TLMV
I really loved that detail, of immigrants (in the story they are space aliens) having really creative names, like s… https://t.co/vUBjBqV0TN
@AmaraInSeattle ☕️ ☕️☕️☕️☕️
While the device size helps (iPhone XS Max), the improvements that have been made to @Outlook have helped me almost… https://t.co/FiBaYD58rJ
@SocialPowerOne1 Racist pig!
@_Lady12 I do want to see it! I just haven't been able to get around to it! And agree on the crying! Although, some… https://t.co/n58YOMfGu0
We need these in Pike Place Market
@SoundTransit what ever happened to the bus only ramp into the link tunnel via I-90? Noticing it takes quite a bit… https://t.co/5sXsR4FfPs
@TallTreeHealth Keep a positive attitude - attitude is more than 50% of recovery! - Steve Young, Tall Tree Physiot… https://t.co/Cv0wIpKcQo
@judevin_ @_30days30sites Hope it helped 😁
@stickers66 @BCFerrys I wouldn't object to the $2 so much if BC Ferries actually gave a damn about bikes or bike access to their terminals
Living my best life
Sitting in the cafeI watch the walkerson College Streetall the tight waysthey are wrappedagainst the wind… https://t.co/3MgKo5Ystf
ugh i can’t wait to go to this sloth sanctuary. i’m gonna be so overwhelmed with tears of joy
@carissajanuary ❤️❤️ https://t.co/xbts1qaB6r
I’ve been busy! Let me know if one of these speaks to you 💙 #customjewelry #healingcrystals #agates https://t.co/hjZivOu21r
@heinousjay @meetmspress @NateSilver538 Says the guy who has been using straw man fallacies the ENTIRE TIME. 😂😂😂
Kill. Me. Now. Will be lucky to get the car up the block let alone to work.
This shit is unfair🤣
@medina_mtg I’ve been going through and organizing cards. Far from over but here is yesterday’s stuff. Please note… https://t.co/uSYZzuCREb
@ClintRutkas Those are the best name badges I think I’ve ever seen!
@MejiaNivek @ErnestBrewerJr2 @LukeEasterling @ChuckModi1 no but white coaches get more chances.
Before the holidays the mailman showed up daily between 2-4pm most often 3ish. Since Nov the mail has come between… https://t.co/C5P2LPaB04
In today's Rhapsodies, Kate gets invited to too many parties. https://t.co/8fivVF8o5O#webcomics #comicstrips… https://t.co/Uxfs2Alm6P
Ryan Saunders getting a win with the Wolves is actually such an awesome story. RIP Flip! 🙏🏽
Okay honestly... some of yall still back this guy?? That's a mess
@JenniferDolin @1hairyman @netflix Ohhh get it, girl! I expect a full review in the AM!
I swear, 90% of science and health reporting is screaming at Elsevier for journal access.

Library Themes

Realistically, Twitter posts are too general for me and I can see the catalog feed is already too focused for me. But I can't really use either without categorization. Words falling from the sky are great, they represent interest coming from the public. But if I want to know how this rain relates to my programs, I gotta put out some buckets.

Themes I chose for this research project.

Using Google Ads API to Find Keywords

When you advertise with Google, they provide you with a number of handy research tools; one of them is a keyword-ideas generator: you send Google a word or phrase and you get back a crazy list of alternatives that they think are related. If I try 'Frankenstein' I get back 'Mary Shelley' and some other stuff that is usually related (but not always).

Frankenstein 'ideas' volume+keyword [click]
74000 'jane eyre'
74000 'dracula'
60500 'mary shelley'
33100 'franken'
33100 'frankenstein sparknotes'
22200 'mary shelley frankenstein'
14800 'frankenstien'
14800 'frankenstein movie'
12100 'frankenstein's monster'
12100 'shelly'
9900 'frankenstein summary'
9900 'mary shelley movie'
6600 'frankenstein book'
6600 'frankenstein 1931'
6600 'frankenstein shmoop'
5400 'frankenstein themes'
5400 'dr frankenstein'
4400 'text shelly'
3600 'who wrote frankenstein'
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2400 'frankenstein audiobook'
2400 'frankenstein mary shelley pdf'
2400 'frankenstein cliff notes'
1900 'frankenstein mary shelley summary'
1900 'frankenstein chapter summaries'
1900 'when was frankenstein written'
1600 'mary shelley frankenstein movie'
1300 'mary shelley frankenstein book'
1300 'frankenstein monster name'
1300 'frankenstein film'
1300 'frankenstein mary shelley sparknotes'
1000 'frankenstein novel'
1000 'shelley frankenstein'
1000 'mary shelley books'
1000 'the modern prometheus'
1000 'doctor frankenstein'
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880 'frankenstein 1994'
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880 'frankenstein book pdf'
880 'who is frankenstein'
720 'frankenstein 1818'
720 'frankenstein or the modern prometheus'
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590 'modern prometheus'
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A Google advertiser uses these ideas to form a thematically grouped set of keywords called a campaign.

Targeted Search Volume

You can see in the image that, with each permutation on 'frankenstein', Google gave me a value for average monthly searches (for the US). That's nice, especially because I can target a location for a keyword and get back the number of searches for an individual keyword in a specied location -- from country, state, county, city, down to zip code. Now that's handy, because if I send in a group of related keywords, and specify a unique location, I can perhaps get a snapshot of user interest for a particular theme, in a defined place. Let's say I try Frankenstein, Dracula, Klaus Kinski, and Boris Karloff in different locations, I get:
Chattanooga TN (pop: 200K)
140 'frankenstein'
50 'dracula'
10 'klaus kinski'
30 'boris karloff'

Portland OR (pop: 650K)
590 'frankenstein'
320 'dracula'
90 'klaus kinski'
140 'boris karloff'

Milwaukee WI (pop:1.7M)
320 'frankenstein'
210 'dracula'
30 'klaus kinski'
90 'boris karloff'

I infer from this that people in Portland lean toward monster movies.

Community Insights

There are about 9000 public libraries in the US, I took the 3000 largest, and got location-specific search volumes for the themes I articulated above (passports, how-to ...).

Community Insights demo (individual libraries)
In this visualization, a campaign-theme is presented as a word-cloud. The size of each word tells you how often it appears in the campaign (passport, get a passport, passport application) and its intensity tells you the search volume associated with it -- so the word can be small, but if it is very blue it means people type it in a lot. I called it a campaign-tuner because it can be used to weed out low-interest keywords and to identify the higher-performing ones. I can dial up a library (click library name at top and enter a new one) and read its tea leaves. The word cloud gives an initial impression of the campaign, the real interest lies in the high-volume keywords within those groups.

USA Profile

Comparing Libraries to US Standard

Now I want to look at relative strengths between communities using the whole of US for reference.

Distance from US Profile

When this demo first fires up, it shows relative search volumes for the US. The plot at the top (looks like an audio signal) shows the 3000 polled libraries. The height of each is its population (not service pop), or, actually, Google's idea of reach. With the slider on the bottom you can zip past lots of libraries in a hurry. The point of this plot is to give a high-level view, and you can see how individual libraries compare to the US profile.

What we see in this demo is that, yes, there are variations, but mostly there is remarkable continuity.

Hot Keywords

Another lesson learned here is about grouping. You would think that somehow community interests would express themselves through one of these themes, and you would see a group of words amplified, but it doesn't really seem to work that way. Instead we see individual keywords vault to the top, pulling the group up with them. The wordcloud visualization is good for these accidental discoveries.


Top-Five View

If we look at how the same theme plays across different libraries, it seems that the same keywords are always there at the top. If a different keyword sneaks to the top once in a while it is a pleasant surprise, and, since it is unusual, it is an indicator.

When we see a pattern that steps out of the norm, we can look into it and see where it leads.
(245) passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application | expedited passport
(168) passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application | get a passport near me
(82) passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application | passport office near me
(42) passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application | where to get a passport
(28) passport | passport application | us passport | passport office near me | us passport application
(10) passport application | passport | us passport | us passport application | expedited passport
(9) passport | passport application | passport office near me | us passport | us passport application
(8) passport application | passport | us passport | us passport application | get a passport near me
(7) passport | passport application | us passport | expedited passport | us passport application
(4) passport | passport application | us passport | get a passport near me | expedited passport
(2) passport | passport application | get a passport near me | passport for minor | expedited passport
(2) passport | us passport | passport application | us passport application | us passport office
(2) passport | passport application | us passport | expedited passport | passport renewal near me
(1) passport | passport application | us passport | where to get a passport | us passport application
(1) passport | passport application | child passport | passport for minor | expedited passport
(1) passport | passport application | child passport | passport expiration | new passport
(1) expedited passport | passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application
(1) passport | passport application | us passport | where to get a passport | get a passport near me
(1) passport | passport application | us passport | expedited passport | passport office near me
(1) passport | passport application | us passport | us passport application | where can i get a passport
(1) passport | passport application | new passport | child passport | apply for new passport
(1) passport | us passport | get a passport near me | passport for minor | expedited passport
(1) passport | passport application | new passport | child passport | passport form
(1) passport | passport application | us passport | passport office near me | expedited passport

Measuring Public Interest

A strategic planning process generally includes an effort to learn what the public is interested in. A survey is a traditional way to accomplish that, but it is a deeply flawed method.

To complement a survey, libraries look for something wider and flatter. They observe computer users, for example, convene a focus group, or examine census data.

Website Data

Let's go back to Toronto. I harvested the feed we saw above for the month of December (2018) and collected almost 800,000 searches, so I let it go a bit longer until I had 1M.
Their search bar is at the top of their home page and is a catalog search with a few general items thrown in (like 'get a library card'). If I pass those searches through the same themes I have been using, I get about 2600 matches, and I can compare that profile to the Google search profile.

If we can get past the scale difference, the library search profile looks different than the Google-derived profile, which should interest strategic planners thinking about reaching new patrons. 'Criterion Collection' is roughly the same. And yes, the 'passport' theme is empty: a million searches and nobody typed in 'passport'. Actually, I found that so incredible that I went back and checked, and I found two searches:
passport and ballot
library passport

So you have, from the general public, some opportunities:


The goal of this analysis is to discover intersections between library resources and public interest areas.

In a Nutshell

Thanks, Buddy, Now How Can I Do This Myself?

A Peek at Current Work

Comparing a Website to Google Traffic

The Seattle Public Library website has:
  • 5931 total files (low = ~500, high = 150K+)
    • 3283 HTML docs
    • ~1700 images
    • 778 mp3 audio files
    • other (pdf, xml ...)


A super-simple matchup between themes and the HTML docs.

Pull out 75K unique phrases with NLP noun-phrase extraction.
Top 500 SPL Website 'phrases' [click]
6625 library card
3426 online classes
3392 library events
3355 beacon hill
3350 lake city
3318 green lake
3307 rainier beach
3304 capitol hill
3302 queen anne
3294 open hours
3292 wide range
3289 international district / chinatown
3276 library staff
3250 ave. seattle
3247 culture authors
3246 library news
3246 download e-books
3246 central library ballard
3244 families teens arts
3244 email newsletters
3243 social justice a-z programs
3243 medicine magazines
3243 newspapers seattle culture
3243 account plan
3243 reading business
3243 diy dictionaries
3243 social services fun
3242 206-386-4636 orask
3242 explore programs
3242 services explore programs
3242 services kids
3242 media explore books
3242 media books
3242 books business civics
3242 interlibrary loan library podcasts magazines movies
3242 games learning outreach
3242 tv music shelf talk blog
3242 library explore
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3242 public library privacy policy terms
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3242 research genealogy resources health
3242 accessibility careers contact hours
3242 media explore staff
3242 main content
3242 local history a-z online resources event calendar programs
3242 new programs
3242 explore books
3242 special exhibits
2046 common tasks
1758 alibrary card
1395 enable javascript
1395 support javascript
1395 browser settings
1146 public library
992 central library
969 catalog 1. home > 2. books
933 [ file size
873 reading suggestions manage
865 books calendar
850 title view authors
838 common tasks reserve
826 computer reserve
766 music cd
688 catalog 1. home > 2.
671 filter options
636 library jobs
627 story times
611 audiobook cd
609 book groups
605 multiple languages
596 free events
594 technology skills
591 musical performances
585 movie screenings
576 event calendar media contact andra addison communications director 206-386-4103 andra.addison @ spl.org news release archive
564 special collections
545 museum pass
520 copy view
509 catalog 1. home > event calendar
509 tolibrary podcasts
503 library 's collection
487 catalog 1. home > 2. programs
416 media > 3.
396 mb ] [ play time
353 release date
349 media > 3. books
317 san francisco
272 world war ii
272 ella mcbride
267 adults hundreds
260 material type
260 local history search
259 catalog 1. home > 2. online resources > 3. seattle culture
257 seattle culture
257 > 3. news releases >
254 item seattle
253 min ]
248 seattle times
241 catalog 1. home > 2. hours
237 microsoft auditorium
234 large print
227 new >
205 central library garage
204 edward s. curtis
197 library locations
187 popular >
175 event calendar
172 new york times
156 musical group
153 king county
152 new york
151 alaska-yukon-pacific exposition
150 seattle world 's
148 public library foundation
143 frank kunishige
140 own creation
140 poor health
138 textura tissue
138 gin kunishige
138 photography studio
138 kids hundreds
137 ebooks > 4. kids
135 small photography studio
135 frank asakichi kunishige
135 dreamlike prints
135 1960. identifier
135 seattle 's town crier
135 seattle camera club
135 local photographers
135 kyo koike
135 washington state
135 iwao matsushita
135 y. ogasawara
135 female member
135 illinois college
135 country 's japanese internment policy
135 minidoka camp
135 yukio morinaga
133 frank a.
130 meeting room
127 seattle 's
126 library 's
124 ebooks > 4. staff
124 world 's
114 true story
113 library board
112 municipal news
109 ca n't
106 space needle
101 services > 3. learning > 4. summer
101 seattle ’ s
100 u.s. edition
99 library hosts readings
99 events podcast
99 library 's authors
99 quick search
99 media > library podcasts
99 podcasts search seattle
99 memorable library events
99 public library podcasts search
99 audio programs
97 item sgs bulletin
95 civil war
95 culture calendar
93 new york city
92 generous support
90 library programs
90 item pacific builder
89 reading suggestions
87 book bingo card
86 item workers
86 rainier ave. s.
85 pike place market
84 22nd ave
84 min ] transcription
83 global reading challenge
82 item jewish transcript
82 young woman
81 museum pass view arts
81 town crier
81 services > 3. arts
79 seattle world ’ s
78 high school
78 fair 1962. seattle
78 public library board
77 popular dvds
76 los angeles
76 thrilling tales
76 high point
75 public computers
75 sunday magazine
75 popular music cds
75 oil paintings
74 1965. mcallister
74 seattle times artist
74 bogue plan
74 ” series
74 washington crew
74 spring 1924.
74 sound group
74 parker mcallister
74 parker s.
74 historical society museum
74 poster-type illustration
74 “ discovery
74 historical incidents
74 item view
74 art staff
74 times ’ editorial page
74 mcallister's career
74 men painters
74 weekly seattle sunday times magazine
74 special sections
74 1970. identifier
74 “ local color ” events
74 spokane publication
72 american edition
71 ebooks > 4. teens
70 regular rates
70 item bungalow magazine
68 panel discussion
67 meeting rooms
66 > events
66 business question
66 item invitation
63 greenwood ave. n.
63 new book
63 books >
63 american history
63 america 's
62 item i
62 206-386-4636. library events
60 public library release date
60 locations > 3.
60 young girl
59 real estate atlases
59 lot numbers
59 water mains
59 g. wm baist
59 large tracts
59 real estate atlas
59 steam railroads
59 property ownership
59 electric railways
58 teens hundreds
58 article discusses
58 social justice calendar
58 library location
57 ’ s
57 mutual foundation meeting room
56 square feet
56 free classes
56 services > 3.
55 popular books
55 35th ave
55 online resources
55 public schools
54 business calendar
54 popular nonfiction books
54 young boy
53 ave. s.
53 item baist 's
53 james a.
53 building program
53 executive director
52 lake washington ship canal
52 linguistic content
52 wo n't
52 learning calendar
52 study rooms
52 new life
50 page [
49 search box
49 social justice
49 young readers
49 author readings
49 small town
48 i 'm
48 story time
47 native americans
47 new dvds
47 raymond st.
47 new music cds
47 library services
46 show hide
46 catalog 1. home > page
45 media > 3. movies
45 poetry readings
45 small fee
45 b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z view
45 municipal news v.
45 beacon ave. s.
44 recent music cds
44 popular movies
44 recent dvds
43 washington center
43 new home
43 paperback edition
43 young man
43 world ’ s
42 official press book
42 teen book bingo >
42 open mics
42 fresh start
42 explore events
42 short stories
41 young adults
41 tv >
40 local history >
40 services > 3. learning > 4. seattle
40 media > 3. music > 4.
40 popular music >
40 tv > 4.
40 new friends
39 mother 's
39 open house
39 publisher 's description
39 's time
39 item jewish transcript v.
39 union station
38 native american history pacific
38 native identity
38 environment native american children 's books native american teen fiction
38 safe place
38 library levy
38 social services
38 community-wide initiative
38 coast native art native americans
38 new system
38 resources native american fiction native american poetry native film
38 new books
38 free wi-fi
38 young people
38 arts photography pacific
38 musical club
37 city improvements
37 1912. identifier
37 city center
37 community organizations
37 high school students
37 municipal plans director
37 virgil bogue
37 acme publications
37 rapid growth
37 municipal plans commission
37 new government buildings
37 breast cancer
37 interurban road
37 virgil b. map
36 own life
36 popular fiction books
36 culture > 4. exhibits > 5.
35 e. yesler way
35 werner lenggenhager
35 family 's
35 library resources
35 community members
35 jack straw writers
35 > seattle
35 washington territory
35 king street station
35 ketcham meeting room
34 howard s. wright family
34 e. green lake dr. n.
34 local history > seattle
34 young men
34 42nd ave
34 public library 's
34 local artists
34 social services referrals
33 recent nonfiction books
33 recent fiction books
33 american indian
33 strong partnerships
33 new nonfiction books
33 space needle core
32 central business district
32 dust jacket
32 internet access
32 new friend
32 online resources library card
32 monthly open mic
32 chief librarian
32 new orleans
32 recent books
32 space needle leg
32 werner seattle
31 device manage
31 new fiction books
31 kirkus review
31 city librarian
31 intellectual freedom
30 school year
30 gary kunis
30 father 's
30 interlibrary loan
30 new generation
30 new readers
30 civil rights
30 delridge way s.w.
29 library account
29 pacific builder
29 high demand
29 download audio
29 social aspects
29 34th ave.
29 services > 3. learning > 4.
29 public library march
29 regional manager
28 206-386-4636. library programs
28 schuster hardcover edition
28 edward curtis
28 catalog research
28 ave. n.e
28 brown bag lunches
28 32nd ave. s.
28 new library
28 local organizations
28 whole family
28 business plan
28 public library april
28 e.l. page
28 local history
28 great depression
28 public use
28 [ vol
28 science fiction
27 own device
27 property boundaries
27 total library program area
27 family history
27 capital costs
27 seattle map
27 wireless internet access
27 seattle design commission
27 wi-fi network
27 vision use computers
27 multi-stall single-gender restrooms
27 item map
27 salish sea
26 books > books
26 new yorker
26 adaptive equipment
26 public library oct.
26 resources documentary
26 street photography home
26 item letter
26 adult fiction homelessness
26 children 's fiction mary ellen mark
26 band 's
26 7. sun1
26 homelessness reel streets
26 item worker
26 alaska-pacific-yukon exposition
26 scribner hardcover edition
26 author series
26 real estate
26 quick facts project type
26 item sesame street
26 'll need
26 harvard ave. e.
25 seattle voters
25 denny regrade
25 noon saturday
25 global reading challenge rules
25 global reading challenge view booklist
25 booklist booklist
25 library board steward
25 30-year journey
25 generous support toni myers
25 atlas shows
25 holiday closure information amenities highlights
25 photo gallery
25 hard work
25 early land ownership
25 original purchasers
25 fremont rotary
24 library branches
24 library patrons
24 world war
24 technology training center room
24 services > a-z programs
24 food circus
24 global reading challenge books
24 native american
24 dark secrets
24 global reading challenge >
24 young women

Now if I check those phrases with Google I get this map.


Fun with Google Trends...
3D Printing
Horror Movies
Sign Language